Square One Design gave our class their existing brand strategy for the Saugatuck/Douglas area, and asked us to create a discovery guide that followed the branding. Here were the guideline's provided that we needed to adhere to:

After getting a feel for the brand, I studied their website to understand their grid use and aesthetic that I would need for this Discovery guide. It felt like an art gallery to me, and that was one of the things showcased! So I looked into art gallery spreads to come up with these grid ideas.

Original thumbnails and notes
With some layouts in mind, it was time to apply. Here's what I made!
The Discovery Guide


Back Cover

Because this area is known for it's art and art gallery's, I wanted this discovery guide to feel like a gallery book. To do this, I played around with asymmetrical, spaced out, minimalist layouts.
Heres the original thumbnail for this spread.

Web Experience
Why not also make a website for the Discovery Guide!